About me

I'm Creative and Software Development Enginner from Dehradun, India, working in web development. I enjoy turning complex problems into simple, beautiful and intuitive designs.

As a seasoned Web Software Developer, I specialize in crafting efficient and user-friendly web applications. With over 3 years of hands-on experience, my expertise spans front-end development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, React as well as manjorly in back-end development with Node.js and MySQL databases. Throughout my career, I've delivered numerous projects, collaborating seamlessly with cross-functional teams to ensure high-quality solutions aligned with client requirements. I excel at translating complex technical concepts into actionable designs, leveraging strong problem-solving skills to overcome challenges.

What i'm doing

  • design icon

    Web design

    The most modern and high-quality design made at a professional level.

  • Web development icon

    Web development

    High-quality development of sites at the professional level.

  • mobile app icon


    Any projects needed research can be done and will enhance the performce of your website

  • camera icon

    Code Quality

    Code quality will be maintained as other developer can be able to understand it easily.



  1. Bachelor of Engineering & Technology - CSE

    2019 — 2022

    Bachelor of Engineering & Technology in Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) blends theory with practical skills, covering algorithms, data structures, programming, and more. Prepares graduates for diverse careers in software development and beyond.

  2. IT - Diploma

    2016 — 2019

    IT Diploma offers practical skills in information technology, covering areas like networking, programming, and system administration. Ideal for entry-level IT roles or as a foundation for further education.

  3. Intermediate High School

    2013 — 2015

    Intermediate High School: Builds academic foundation for higher education and career pursuits.


  1. Software Development Enginner - 1 | ConvertCart

    2022 — Present

    Expertise in Node.js and MySQL: Proficient in Node.js and MySQL, with a focus on developing solutions and enhancing query
    Optimized Query Skills: Deep understanding of query optimization techniques, ensuring optimal performance in complex scenarios.
    Efficiency with MYSQL AND BQuery skilled developed in utilizing bQuery to streamline and optimize processes, enhancing overall efficiency.
    Cross-Functional Leadership: Led cross-functional projects, taking charge of development and bug resolution for CRO projects.
    Innovation and Problem-Solving: Committed to innovative problem-solving, consistently finding creative solutions for intricate challenges.

  2. Web Developer | MachPrinciple

    2020 — 2022

    PHP Website Upgrade: Spearheaded the migration of a legacy PHP website from version 4.4 to 7.4, ensuring compatibility with modern web standards and security protocols.
    Feature Design and Development: Designed and implemented innovative features for the upgraded website, enhancing user experience and functionality.
    Chat Application Integration: Successfully integrated a real-time chat application into the website using cutting-edge technologies such as React, Node.js, and Socket.io, facilitating seamless communication among users.
    Program Enhancement Identification: Proactively identified areas within existing programs requiring modification or optimization, leading to improved performance and efficiency. Research and Innovation: Conducted in-depth research on emerging technologies and best practices, incorporating new insights into project development to ensure competitiveness and relevance.

  3. Web developer@intern | Digibyte

    2010 — 2013

    Keys: As an intern, I spearheaded the development of the e-commerce website pahadilala.com, crafting its entire architecture. Utilized CodeIgniter framework and MySQL for the database, seamlessly integrating the Razorpay payment gateway for streamlined transactions.
    Keys: Proficient in jQuery application development, I've leveraged its capabilities extensively in various backend scenarios, enhancing user interaction and functionality. My experience in bridging frontend and backend technologies ensures cohesive and efficient web solutions.

My skills

  • Web Development
  • React
  • Node JS | Typescript
  • MySQL



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